
Marxist theory can be applied particularly to any text which is about consuming other products, adverts and promotional materials are obvious examples of this. Therefore Marxist theory can be applied to my product as I am creating a product which I am trying to sell, and therefore will be playing the role of a capitalist.

Does my text promote or advertise another product?
Marxist theory looks at how capitalists can often exploit a consumer into parting with their money more than once, this is done by promoting a particular product on another product. My magazine 'Viewer' does this as readers of the magazine would purchase the magazine, giving money to the capitalists, and would then be sold the idea from the magazine that they should view the film featured which is my product 'Deception' and therefore the reader would be parting with their money again. This could also work the other way round in that, if the consumer had been to see the film and enjoyed it, they may then buy the magazine to read about this product which is featured as they know it is good. This could also work on my film poster, where endorsements are used from magazines rating the film, this promotes the film as its a poster advertising the film, but also people may then purchase the magazines/newspapers mentioned on the poster to get a better idea of what they have said about the film, since the poster only gives a 'star rating' and therefore this teases the reader into wanting to read more.

Does it conceal the economic conditions of the production itself or the product it promotes?
Often in productions only the final product is shown and the audience have little idea on what lies behind this product, for example with a film, only the final product will be shown and the audience will be oblivious to all the production work behind this and only be notified on the most important factors such as the production company and the director etc (e.g the capitalists). This is shown in my production through the trailer, there is no mention of workers who have put together this trailer, however there is mention of the production companies and so this promotes them, this relates to Marxism as this will then retain their capitalist power, and if people like the film they will then recognise this film from its production company and so be exploited further by this company in the future and therefore make more money for the capitalists. However my poster does slightly challenge this as there is a credit block at the bottom of the poster which lists some of the production team behind aspects such as 'sound', 'make-up', 'special effects' however this is still minimal and only the most important 'head of department' people are listed.

Does it promote consumerism?
All of the products I have created promote consumerism as they are all promoting the film and telling people that they should go to see the film, which relates to Marxism as it is exploited the consumer by telling them that they NEED to go and see the film, which leads to them parting with their money and the capitalists then gaining this money and retaining their power. The poster promotes the film using endorsements, people will be attracted to going to see a film if reliable sources have given the film a good rating. The poster also promotes the film using actor names across the top of the page, people often go to see films if the actors are well known. The trailer promotes the film by showing the most important parts of the film and therefore teasing the reader into watching a film, when in reality they have most likely seen the important parts through the trailer however they will still be exploited into parting with their money to go and watch the full film.