Magazine Front Cover Deconstruction - Labelling

This is a labelling deconstruction that I did of Entertainment Weekly, featuring 'The Dark Knight', this, although it isn't horror, is given the image of a horror genre on this cover, and therefore is a good magazine to use as inspiration for my own product. Features such as the colour scheme, make-up and dark backgrounds are what have inspired me on this cover towards my own product. 

Magazine Front Cover Deconstruction - Table

The second deconstruction that I have done for a magazine front cover is a table that is de constructing a cover of Empire magazine which features Captain America. This again is not the same genre of my film as it is difficult to find magazine front covers featuring films which are of a horror genre, however this has given me some more inspiration on font styles and sell lines which I should be using on my product.

Magazine Front Cover Deconstruction - Essay

As my second ancillary task is to create a magazine front cover that features the film, I will be researching the conventions used on the front covers of film magazines, although many of the conventions are already similar to me because of last years coursework of creating a music magazine, I will still need to identify differences between music and film magazines to make sure my cover is suitable to my product, this cover uses a good range of typical film trailer conventions and although not in the same genre as my own product it is still crucial to take a look at these features for example, font styles and examples of what other information would be on the cover of a film magazine, as these features would not be typically genre specific anyways.

Film Poster Deconstruction - Labelling

The third deconstruction that i have created is a labelling deconstruction on the film poster for 'salt', although this is an action film and therefor not the same genre as my product, it still uses similar conventions and I feel that it is succesful poster and therefor it will be good to deconstruct it to see what features have made it successful and how I can incorporate these into my own product.

Film Poster Deconstruction - Table

For my second deconstruction I have looked at a film poster and de-constructed it in the style of a table, the poster that I have de-constructed is for the film 'The Fourth Kind', which is again a horror however this film is a more supernatural horror, which is not in the same style as my own film, however it will be good to look at different styles of horror film posters for my research towards my own. It has given me inspiration with the use of text effects, as I think the glowing effect on the film title is effective for a horror genre.
Film poster deconstruction - Table

Film Poster Deconstruction - Essay

The First deconstruction that I will be doing is for a film poster, and this will be in the style of an essay, the poster that I have decided to use is from the film 'Prom Night' as this fits in with the horror/slasher genre of my film, and so I can relate this deconstruction to my own ancillary task, it shows alot of typical horror conventions and his given me inspiration towards my own product as I also plan on using a screaming face as the main image for my film poster.


For my Media Coursework I will have to produce two ancillary tasks to coincide with my trailer, these include a film poster that advertises my film, which can be either a teaser poster, a main poster, or a text orientated poster. I then have to create a film magazine front cover which will feature my film on the cover. In order to gain better knowledge of the conventions used in these products in a real life world I will be researching and de-constructing three film posters and three magazine front covers, one a table outlining conventions used and why, the second an essay going into more depth about the conventions used and why, and the third a labelled deconstruction of the picture.