Magazine Front Cover Deconstruction - Essay

As my second ancillary task is to create a magazine front cover that features the film, I will be researching the conventions used on the front covers of film magazines, although many of the conventions are already similar to me because of last years coursework of creating a music magazine, I will still need to identify differences between music and film magazines to make sure my cover is suitable to my product, this cover uses a good range of typical film trailer conventions and although not in the same genre as my own product it is still crucial to take a look at these features for example, font styles and examples of what other information would be on the cover of a film magazine, as these features would not be typically genre specific anyways.

1 comment:

  1. Your magazine deconstructions are very well done Caitlin - can you now discuss what aspects you have used in your own products and why you have chosen to use certain effects/ styles? It would be good to hear what has inspired you from these texts in your own product and creative design x
