Company Logos

Becuase there are no unorigional images allowed to be used in my production, I have had to create two film companies. I have created a logo for each of my companies which will be shown on the trailer of my film. The first of these is my film institution, called 'The National Film Institution (NFI)', I have chosen a simple font that is easy to read and looks professional, I wanted this logo to be clean. The colour scheme that I have used is a dark blue which again is simple and clean, and the play button is in green as this is the colour usually assosiated with play.

The second of these is my production company, 'Fly Productions' this is currently a work in progress, as I am currently trying to use after affects in order to make the fly, move around the word 'Fly' which is proving to be a difficulty, and so my teacher has asked for someone from another centre who has more experience on adobe after affects, who can hopefully help me with my design.

Film Trailer - Visual Analysis - Orphan

I have chosen to de-construct this film trailer also as it is the same genre as my product, the fact that it is set mainly in a house makes it relatable to my product and so I can get ideas on how to use my house as a setting but still make it fit in with a horror genre. This again will also help me with ideas towards camera angles, lighting and props etc. 

Film Trailer - Visual Analysis - Insidious

I have chosen this film trailer to de-construct as it is the same genre as my film and so will show some similar features and give me inspiration on what to use in my trailer in order to make it successful. Some of the features which I have found inspirational are the lighting techniques, camera angles and setting. 

Trailer - Visual Analysis - Eat Pray Love

This is a deconstruction which we did in one of our lessons, although this is not in the same genre as my film I was still able to find out the typical conventions used in film trailers and compare this genre with horror. It has also prepared me for doing my own film trailer deconstructions in the horror genre. 

This is England Task

I did a task on a film poster for 'This is England' which is a film produced by Warp X, and was highly successful due to its British Subculture, and how relate-able it was for the target audience, it showed a grim side to Britain which shocked it audience, but also allowed it to show verisimilitude with the real life of the working class. I watched this film last year, and completed the task on the Poster this year, in which both have helped me to see what I will have to do with my film in order to make it real for the audience and allow my target audience to relate to it.
This is the task which I completed, along with my teachers feedback:

Mood Board

I have created a Mood Board for my product, using inspirational fonts, words and pictures. It has given me ideas on setting, weapons, victims, facial expressions, font styles and costumes.