Company Logos

Becuase there are no unorigional images allowed to be used in my production, I have had to create two film companies. I have created a logo for each of my companies which will be shown on the trailer of my film. The first of these is my film institution, called 'The National Film Institution (NFI)', I have chosen a simple font that is easy to read and looks professional, I wanted this logo to be clean. The colour scheme that I have used is a dark blue which again is simple and clean, and the play button is in green as this is the colour usually assosiated with play.

The second of these is my production company, 'Fly Productions' this is currently a work in progress, as I am currently trying to use after affects in order to make the fly, move around the word 'Fly' which is proving to be a difficulty, and so my teacher has asked for someone from another centre who has more experience on adobe after affects, who can hopefully help me with my design.


  1. This can be updated now as to how you achieved the effect that you wanted. Well done on creating the logo in after effects xx

  2. After seeing Graham Boxwell we have managed to achieve the affect we were going for and the fly can now move around the production logo, this involved putting each of the layers onto Adobe After Effects separatley and then change the individual position of the fly layer whilst also changing the rotation of the fly so it followed the text.
