Questionnaire Results and Findings

In order to gain some research on my target audience, who else will be watching my film, and what they expect from the film, I have done some primary research, this research was quantitative research as I was focusing on the numbers for this part of my research. The questionnaire was taken by 20 people, although mainly teenagers, there was a variation in age groups, gender, and tastes in film. The results of my findings have been put into pie charts so that they are easier to read and interoperate.

From the first question 'Are you male or female?' we can see that there was a variation of girls and boys however there were slightly more girls than boys. I have chosen to look at both genders as I feel that my film will be aimed at both males and females as horror films tend to have a mixed genre target audience.
From the second question 'What age are you?' we can see that the most popular age group was the 15-18 this could be because my surveys were sent around college but also because this is the main target audience for horror films, this means that I would probably produce my film to be a 15 certificate so that the main target audience group would be able to go and see the film when released in the cinema, and also purchase the film. However the 18-30 group was following closely, but the certificate would still remain at 15, as this does not restrict this group from viewing/purchasing the film.
From the third and fourth questions 'How often do you watch films?' and 'How often do you go to the cinema to watch newly released films?' I found that more people watch films on a regular basis than what go to see a film at the cinema, most people went to the cinema only once a month, however most people watched films weekly, which would suggest that in order to sell my product, the advertising would have to be good in order to get people to want to spend the money to see it at the cinema.

From the fifth question 'Do you like horror films?' we can see that 14 out of the 20 participants enjoy horror films, which is a large figure, this means that my target audience from different age ranges, sex and gender, would be looking to cater for and draw in a good half of the suitable population.
The plot/story line will have to be a strong point for my product as this is what almost half of the participants said attracts them into going to see a new film, the genre of the film was following this and so this could suggest that if the story line was strong enough, an audience of the trailer may stray from their regular genre to watch my product. This can be seen from the question 'What most attracts you into going to see a new film?'
There was a range of answers given for question seven 'Which of the below most scare you when watching a horror film?' with masked killers coming up highest and aliens taking the lowest position.
There was also a range of answers given for question eight 'What is it about horror films that appeal to you?' however suspense was the answer that came out on top and so this is something that I will look to incorporate into my product.
The last question 'Which type of horror film do you prefer?' gave almost even results, between slasher, super natural and gory horror films, my horror film is a mix between supernatural and slasher which would hopefully cater for a wide range of the audiences needs.


  1. Can you number the pie charts that you are referring to or alternatively can you make your analysis a little clearer as to the question you asked ... just it is a little confusing in places x

  2. Done, that's hopefully a bit clearer :-)
