Other students work

I have taken a look at some past trailers relating with my genre to see how well or not they worked, and if it created a real looking film trailer. This will be effective and useful for my own work as I can see what a top level standard is for a student instead of just looking at Hollywood trailers which have teams of people working on them, and much more available funding for effects and actors etc, so this will give me a more realistic picture of what I'm aiming to create.
What was Effective about it? 

  • costume and make-up was done very well, eye contacts used, pale make-up, messy hair, scars created with wax and red make-up. 
  • setting went well with the genre, dark scary room, eery, dirty. 
  • quick cuts to match the tension and suspense of the trailer, used to show the girl getting closer and closer which is commonly used in the horror genre, adds to suspense and shock factor. 
  • good use of editing, fades to black etc. 
  • effective lighting, dark and gloomy however some bright lighting to highlight things that needed to be seen. 
  • good use of camera angles, extreme close ups, zooms, panning, etc. 

What wasn't Effective about it? 

  • Used an unoriginal image with the company logo. 
  • Wasn't sure about the story line as it was a teaser trailer but the music seemed unfitting, sounded more like a soundtrack for a action film or something like Indiana Jones. 

Apart from these it seemed like a really good trailer, in the description they said it got full marks and so there isn't many improvements I can find. I could definitely use some ideas from this trailer as inspiration such as lighting and editing techniques which would work well with the story line of my trailer. 

What was effective about it?
  • Good story line - original
  • Camera angles suited each scene and what was happening, for example the front over the shoulder shot where the masked man is stood in the distance, and then the zoom shot into his face.
  • Good editing effects fades and the fire burning
  • Kept the audience in suspence
  • Text and Clouding worked well on title slides.
What wasn't effective about it?
  • No narrative - no voice over, no speech and only one title slide, however filing did tell story line well.
  • No original image for company logos.

This trailer also got an A grade and so again there is not many bad points to pick out however it has helped me to see how effective camera angles and sound effects can make a trailer.

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