Photos for Ancillary Task

I took the photos for my ancillary task in the green room at Sunderland University's media centre, I chose this setting as the ancillary tasks included a poster advertising the film and a magazine front cover featuring the film, from the research that I have done on the genre of my product I have found that typically a horror image will feature a main item or character set against a black background or simple eery setting, although I planned on having both images set against a black background there was a creepy looking doorway in the green room that I decided to try out for my pictures and then decided to use in the final image for the poster, this also meant that there was more of a variation between the film poster and the magazine front cover.

Pictures that I didn't use: 

When in the green room I decided to try and make it appear like there was a hand in the image touching her shoulder.. using a glove. This clearly didn't work, which is the main reason for this picture not being used in either of the ancillary tasks, however I also haven't used this image due to her facial expression which looks to happy for the situation.

This image was not used for a number of reasons, the composition is not right and one hand is slightly lower than the other, again the facial expression is not right, as it looks like more of a surprise than a scare, and the overall image does not have the desired affect that I was looking for which was total fear, as the colours are also very dull looking.

This image was again not used because of the facial expression, it was caught at the wrong moment and she appears to be smiling, which would not suit the genre of my film. This image has also came out too bright and so the colours are too pale but not vibrant enough for what I was looking for.

For this image we found a prop in the green room which was just a broken piece of wood/metal which I decided to use to see if it could be some form of weapon, however due to the length of it and because she's wearing a fur coat it appears to be a skiing picture rather than a horror picture. There's also the problem that this was more of a long shot and because she is wearing black leggings she appears to be floating.

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