Moving Image Planning and Recce

Are there any potential hazards that could pose as a health and safety risk where your filming will take place?
The filming will mainly take place inside my house, where there is no real potential hazards. However there is a scene in the shed outside which does have equipment in it, however we will be clearing this out to make space before filming so this should not pose any hazards whilst filming. 

Will the time of day/weather affect the outcome on the filming?
The filming will be done mainly indoors, and so lighting is adjustable however as it is a horror I have chosen for the filming to take place at night time, and then just the indoor lights on so I will stick to the times when it is dark outside for filming. With the outdoor filming in the shed the weather is not necessarily going to affect it as it will be dark, and if it is raining then this will just create an even scarier effect, however the rain is not necessary as I would rather get the filming done when I have everyone organised and together instead of waiting for the rain. 

Have you considered the setting to your filming?
The setting is mainly inside my house which although not too scary is often used as scenes for horror films as they are typical scenes in any film and add to the 'real' factor for the audience seeing a typical everyday setting. 

Have you considered lighting?
Yes, the lighting will be house lighting as the filming is taking place inside my house but will be taking place when it is dark outside. 

Do you need permission/to book a time to take photos in the place/venue you have in mind?

Are you reliant on lists/props/friends/?
The props that I am reliant on can all be found inside my house, a knife, photo albums and a video tape, and so these are easily reachable. 
I am reliant of my friend for filming and so I need to check with when we are at work for sorting out times when we are both available for filming. 

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