Online research

I have done some online research into films in the same genre as my own, looking at the cast, information and sales etc, this is so I can get a better idea on what my product would be looking to aim for if it was a real production.
The ring was produced in 2002 (2003 in the UK) by Dream Works which is a huge American film company and therefore this film would have had no problem it getting advertised in the cinema, and also on the TV ad breaks. Its box office statistics are as follows: 


 $48,000,000 (estimated)

Opening Weekend:

 $15,015,393 (USA) (20 October 2002) (1981 Screens)


 $128,579,698 (USA) (2 February 2003)
it is clear from these statistics that the film did very well in its takings and therefore it was able to use this money to create a sequel 'The Ring Two' which was released also by Dream Works in 2005  which was an even bigger success taking $35,065,237 in the USA alone for its opening weekend and totalling a gross of $143,024,542 worldwide by the 18th of April 2005. 

How can this be used in relation to my own product? 
This could be related to my product if it was a real life production as it shows the importance of getting a good company to produce/invest in the film in order for it to be successful, because 'The Ring' was produced by a company as big as Dream Works it was able to afford advertising that gained it millions in just its opening weekend. 

The Unborn was produced in 2009 by Rogue Pictures, which is on a much smaller level to Dream Works, with only around 25 titles in its library, however many of these have been successful films such as 'Shaun of the Dead' 'American Pie' and 'Hot Fuzz', because the company does have past successful films it will of had a decent budget for filming and advertising and therefore would still make good profits, these are as follows: 


 $16,000,000 (estimated)

Opening Weekend:

 $19,810,585 (USA) (11 January 2009) (2357 Screens)


 $42,638,165 (USA) (1 March 2009)
Although these profits are not as good as what 'The Ring' made it cannot be compared as 'The Ring' is classed as one of the greatest horror films of its time. The profits that this company has made are also good for it being a smaller company and would still give them the desired amount for paying back any potential investors, and to carry on producing new films with more money for advertising and filming. 

How does this relate to my product? 
This shows how although the company may be small, if the right actions are taken and advertising is done cleverly then the product can still be very successful, this film is also newer and so has the advantage of the internet, which my product also would, the internet can spread the word of new films quicker and faster than anything before, through the use of youtube trailers and sharing on social networking sites such as FaceBook and Twitter. 

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