Quotes from my target audience

After doing my questionnaires I was able to get a better idea of who my target audience would be, I then found people of this target audience and asked them a few open ended questions in order to get more valid answers than the closed questions of my questionnaire. Here are a few examples of what was said:

What do you like most about horror films? 

"I like how the sound can change what would be a small shock, to a jump out your seat moment"

"I like the dark creepy settings and big shocks"
"The girls" 

What is your favourite horror film and why? 

"Saw, because it has the best gore scenes" 

"The strangers because the story line is quite original , and based on true story!" 

What attracts you into going to see a new horror film? 

"A good cast" 

"story lines that make me want to find out more, shouldn't give too much away"

"Having actors that I like in it" 

How will this affect my product:
From doing this research I was able to see what my target audience where expecting from a film in my genre, this has allowed me to develop the ideas for my production further in a way that suits the expectations of my target audience, although I cannot get a star filled cast, I am still able to use the ideas such as dark and creepy settings and sound effects that suit whats happening in the trailer.


  1. Great research Caitlin, but can you comment on how this feedback has affected your creative decision making? x

  2. How will this affect my product:
    From doing this research I was able to see what my target audience where expecting from a film in my genre, this has allowed me to develop the ideas for my production further in a way that suits the expectations of my target audience, although I cannot get a star filled cast, I am still able to use the ideas such as dark and creepy settings and sound effects that suit whats happening in the trailer.
