Post Modernism

We did a session on Post Modernism in lesson, where we took notes and also watched some relatable videos that show elements of Post Modernism.
Post Modernism in media is an artistic movement, it can be traced back to 'modernism' which was an artistic movement around the 1890's. Post modernism challenged traditional methods of media, it produced fragmented forms made up of random elements, and referred to their own fictional or constructed nature (reflexivity - a text doesn't try to be real).
Modernism was often pessimistic about the idea of a world in which nothing was worth believing, whether it was religion, Marxism, or the myth of scientific progress, in contrast Post Modernism enjoys the absence of such beliefs and finds the loss of order liberating and exciting. This is shown in the texts produced in the Post Modernism Age, some of the typical features that are seen in these texts include a blurred distinction between genres, camera angles and affects that remind the audience that the text isn't real but constructed, a mixtures between lower and upper class elements.

How does this relate to my product?
This could be related to my product as I do plan on using a few Post Modernism features, for example there is a scene in my trailer where the victim is dragged down the stairs, I want to use an affect on this where the scene quickly repeats itself like a broken record type style, which would be a clear reminder to the audience that this text is not real and has in fact been constructed. Another way in which I will be reminding the audience that this is constructed is through some of the camera angles that I will be using when filming such as over the shoulder shots, and panning shots that again change to over the shoulder shots. However apart from this there will not be many Post Modernism features used in my text as I do want the audience to feel like the film is real using semiotics, as this will add to the fear in the film, I have been able to establish that I don't want to use any more features of Post Modernism by watching some related texts that do use Post Modernisms features to see how they were similar/different from what I want my finished product to look like, also the films which we did look at where not in the same genre of my film and were often mixed genres whereas my film will just be one genre.

Romeo and Juliet 
Romeo and Juliet was one of the texts which I watched which incorporates a lot of Post Modernism features, such as a mix of genres (Romance, Period Drama, Musical, Action Film), also blurs the time of the film - it is un-obvious to the audience when the film is supposed to be set as there is old Shakespearian language but also elements of modern day situations, affects are used to remind audience that it is not real, and it mixes elements of high and low culture.

Moulin Rouge 
The Moulin Rouge was another text which we watched which incorporates Post Modernism Features, such as mixing elements of both high and low culture, effects to show the audience that the text is not real such as glowing effects and slow motion to remind audience the text is not real, a mixtures of genres (musical, romance, drama), people braking into song in the middle of conversations, forced perspective.

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