feminist theory

In todays lesson I have looked into feminist theory, this could be relatable to my product as it is a horror film trailer which normally tend to include stereotypical pretty girls who are quite stupid, vulnerable, blonde, and wearing little clothing, these can be seen in films such as 'Scream', 'Sorority row' and 'Wrong turn'. This could be a feature that I use in my film as the main character is female.


'Sorority Row (2008)'

'Wrong Turn 2 (2007)'

'Scream (1996)'

However it could be taken in the oppisite dicrection if the girl ends up being the hero in the film as this shows the girl has power and therefore has overcome the sexist stereotypical female connotations, which would more likely be what I would choose to use in my film as the female is the main character and therefore will have a large role where she has to save herself.

The most common feminist theories are the radical feminists, the liberal feminists, and the marxist feminists:

some other feminist thoeries include; first wave feminism, queer theory, post modern feminism, second wave feminism, third wave feminism, and post feminism.

Britget Jones' Diary (2001) was a British film that challenged the stereotypical female by using a blonde who was independent and making a living for herself, she was also single. The activities that we see Bridget take part in through the film, invlolve going out with friends and drinking which shows they have not used the typical conventions of a female character, however some things that might be seen as sexist from a feminists point of view are still present in this film, for example although she has an office job the managers and higher up collegues are set as male characters in the film, she is also still seen as a sexual object through the clothing that she wears and how the male characters flirt with her throughout the film.

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