
In class time we did some research on semiotics which are important to know about when creating a product that is going into the media, as I have to get the audience of my trailer to believe it as being natural and real.
Signs are anything that can be used to lie, the treachery of images refers to how the sign or image of something is not the thing itself, but because we live in a world that is dominated by the media we see signs and images almost all of the time which leads us to just believe that they are reality.

How does this relate to my product?
Semiotics could be used in relation to my product by making the audience believe what they are seeing rather than seeing it as a constructed product. The horror genre, which I have chosen for my product, often has to use semiotics in order to make the super natural and unbelievable into the believable, for example semiotics are used to show who is the victim in the film, by signs that make the actor appear afraid. It is also used to make the audience believe that something such as a actor covered in fake blood and not moving, is a real person who has been murdered. 
This painting by RenĂ© Magritte is of a pipe, however what he is trying to say is that, this is not a pipe it is a painting of pipe, and what can also be said now is that this is not a painting of a pipe, it is a picture of painting of a pipe. 

The same applies to this image, as real as it might look, this is not a cow, it is a picture of a cow, however we are led to believe that it is just a cow because we are so revolved in images and signs. 

Another way in which images lead us to believe something that is not real is through using signs on things such as adverts and posters, for example this picture is not happiness, and these models have most likely never met in their lives however we are led to believe that they are a happily married couple because of many signs used., for example; they are hugging, smiling, laughing, close together, touching, wearing a wedding ring, and at a marriage-able age. 

Semiotics is explained through signifier, and signified, the signifier is what sign/image has been used and the signified is what the audience interoperates from it. 


  1. What semiotics are you going to use in your film? x

  2. I will be using semiotics in my film in order to make the audience believe that it is real rather than constructed. Some of these include making the audience believe the relationship between family members shown in the home video and throughout the trailer, using signs such as closeness, smiling and body language. I will also need to portray the main character as a victim by her facial expression which should include a lot of fear and shock throughout the trailer.
