
The setting of a horror film has to reflect on the mood of the film, and this is done using areas that are generally abandoned, dark, and gloomy for example

  • the woods
  • a farm 
  • an abandoned country road
  • late night on a quite motor way 
  • in an old fashioned house 
  • at a lake 
  • in a barn 
  • in a warehouse 
  • in an abandoned hospital 
  • in a field 
however a good way to make a horror movie more shocking but realistic for the audience is to set it somewhere that would not usually be associated with horror for example 
  • at a regular house 
  • at a party 
  • in a carnival 


  1. As a result of this research where have you decided to set your horror film and why? x

  2. I have decided to set my horror film in my house, using the features mentioned in the second part of this post, that it will create a more realistic effect for the audience, however there is also a scene in my outside shed which takes in more of the features of the first part of this post in order to use some more typical conventions of a horror trailer.
