Research Questions

1. The conventions that I plan to keep for my text are circled around a horror theme, and therefore the images, text, taglines and font use will all incorporate this theme. The image will include dark lighting so that it has a mysterious and eerie feel to it, it will include a close up picture of either the main victim/hero in the film or the main villain. The colour pallet that I will be using in my text is red, black and white as this is the typical colour scheme for a horror theme and is easy to work with as the colours all contract each other and therefore stand out, with the black representing dark and mysterious connotations and the red representing blood and danger in the film. The font that I will be using will be a type face font that is easy to read but I will also be using a more chilling font in the red colour to represent the horror theme.
2. The target audience of my text will be teenagers who are 15 and over as the film will have its main characters as teenagers, however because the film is a horror it will be rated a fifteen and so will be targeted at people older than that. The gender of the audience will be mixed as horror films tend to be aimed at both genders. 
3. If my film was to be produced in real life then it would need to have a film institution to produce it, after researching into some film institutions and the films that they have produced I have found that ‘Rogue Films’ is an institution that tends to produce horror films with similar genres to the one I am creating and are also a well established and well known brand that people know of, however this company may not be as well known as companies such as universal, or paramount pictures but these companies have not produced as many films in the same genre as mine as the major companies tend not to produce horror films. However my film will be a British film as it will be filmed in Britain and include British characters, and therefor I have done some research into British film companies that would produce my product in real life, studio canal is a British film institution that has funding from universal, this would be a good company to produce my film because it is well established and has the funding to advertise the film with trailers in the cinemas and on television which would increase sales for the film.

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