The Recce

Are there any potential hazards that could pose as a health and safety risk where your photo shoot will take place?
My photo shoot will take place in the green room at Sunderland University and therefore these hazards will most likely have been thought of by the university and so there should be minimal risks to consider when using this room, however there may potentially be cables and wires from the equipment in the room.

Will the time of day/weather affect the outcome on the photos?
The time of day/weather will not affect my photos as they are being taken indoors, which means that weather will not be an issue, and lighting will be provided.

Have you considered the background to your photos?
The background to my photos when taken will most likely be plain which is what I need as I plan to have a black/dark background with only the character on the post in the light, which should be easily editable on Photoshop when the picture has a plain background to start with.

Have you considered lighting?
It should be possible to play around with the lighting in the Universities green room, in order to allow for there to be lighting cast mainly on the character of the poster/magazine cover.

Do you need permission/to book a time to take photos in the place/venue you have in mind?
I did need permission and had to book a time for taking my photos, this will take place on Thursday 1st December, in the Green room at Sunderland University between 13:00 and 15:00.

Are you reliant on lists/props/friends/?
I am using one friend for my poster and magazine front cover, who will also be using the green room at the same time as me, which means I know she will definitely be there. I am not reliant on any props at this point in production. I will be getting the metro to the University which means I do not need to rely on anybody for a lift.

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