Film Trailer Research

Films have the overall aim to make a profit and entertain, however creating a film is a very expensive process that costs millions of pounds, and so money needs to be made in order to pay back investors, pay the costs of production and make enough money for the next release. Film trailers are used as a form of advertising for the film, they are shown on TV, in the cinema and online. A film trailer can establish the genre of the film, highlight important characters, for example famous actors and actresses, that will also act as a major selling point for a film, and can give the audience a brief intake of the storyline so that they know its a film that they want to see.
A trailer tends to be created at the same time as the film is being edited, they tend to be shown a couple months before the release of the film, however with some major sequels and prequels to films such as harry potter, twilight and paranormal activity the trailer will be shown far in advance in order to build up the audiences anticipation for the film.
Trailers are a form in their own right and have a range of features that establishes the difference between the trailer and the film, a trailer only has around a minute and a half to catch the audiences attention and make its mark and therefore will incorporate some of the films most intense moments/ funny moments/ scary moments/ romantic moments, depending on the genre however will not ruin the film for the reader by showing all of the important parts. The music is a very important part of a trailer as it helps establish the genre of the film and creates a mood for the particular scene. Some more conventions of a trailer would be, voice-overs that tell the story and give credit information such as actor names and director names, one-line conversations between characters, establishment of location, film title appearance at the end of the trailer, and dramatic camera angles.

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