Institution Research

Becuase my product can contain no downloaded images I will have to create my own production company and film institution, these will need background information, and a logo to represent the company. The logo tends to be shown at the start of the trailer for the film, and also at the bottom of the poster aswell as the company name in the credit block of the film poster.
To find out about these different film institutions and production companies, I have done some research into some existing successful companies to find out which would be most relatable to my genre, and then I will be able to decide on some information for my companies. As my film is a British film, the production company and film institution will also have to be British.

British Production Companies:

Working Title Research:
Working Title is a British Film production company, which is based in London. The company was founded by Time Bevan and Sarah Radclyffe in 1983. Working title has produced a range of successful British films such as 'Jonny English', 'Shaun of the Dead', and 'Love Actually'. The company is primarily funded by Universal Studios which is an American company that also produces a range of massivley successful films. This means that Working title has the funding to be able to advertise on TV, billboards and magazines etc, and will therefore attract a wider audience and make a larger profit in order to pay off investors, actors, and the general production of the film, it will also in some cases be the money towards a sequal of the film.

Warp X Research:
Warp X is a pioneering new digital film studio based in Sheffield, with offices in Nottingham and London, and is allied to Warp Films and Warp Records. Warp X has produced a much smaller range of films compared to Working Title, however they have had some successful releases such as the critically acclaimed 'This is England' and 'Donkey Punch'. Warp X has to find its own funding as they want to remain completley British and therfore do not have any funding from larger American companies, therefore they have to find investors each time they want to produce a film, in order to be able to fund it, and therefore most of their films go straight to DVD release as they do not have the money to spend on TV advertising etc. 

How does this relate to my product?
In the real world this would be a good company to produce my product as it has the money to spend on the film in order to get the affects, settings, props and advertising needed. Working Title has also already had some successful horror films such as 'My Little Eye' and 'Long Time Dead'.

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